January 18, 2024
Attention News Desk: Press Release (for immediate release)
Julie Peachey | 650-353-1379
STANFORD, Calif. — On Saturday, January 20, 2024, Stanford Blood Center (SBC) is teaming up with the San Jose Sharks for their annual ‘Save a Life’ blood drive. Now in its 18th year, this continues to be one of SBC’s most popular drives, with an anticipated 200 blood donors. “The San Jose Sharks have been active supporters of our mission since our partnership began in 2007,” said SBC Account Manager, Elisa Manzanares. “Even through the pandemic, they were committed to holding the drive. That’s the ultimate dedication.”
The drive, scheduled in January each year, plays a significant role in boosting the blood supply after the holiday season. As a thank-you to those who attend, some exciting prizes are being offered.
• Four lucky donors will win a set of four (4) tickets for a Penthouse Suite to the Saturday, March 9th game, Sharks vs. Ottawa Senators.
• One winner will be selected for a set of two (2) tickets for a Penthouse Suite to the Saturday, March 9th game, Sharks vs. Ottawa Senators.
• In addition, 136 donors will each win a pair of tickets for the Tuesday, February 27th game, Sharks vs. New Jersey Devils.
The blood drive, held at the SAP Center at San Jose, is a fantastic opportunity for community members to make a difference by donating blood and saving lives in their local community.
Appointments for the Sharks drive can be scheduled online at stanfordbloodcenter.org/sharks, via the SBC app, or by calling 888-723-7831 or texting to 999-777.
Donors should be in good health with no cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms. Be sure to eat well prior to donation, drink fluids, and bring a photo ID. Donors must be at least 17 years of age (or 16 with a parent or guardian’s consent). Eligibility information can be found at stanfordbloodcenter.org/eligibility or by calling 888-723-7831.
About Stanford Blood Center
Stanford Blood Center (SBC) is an independent, community blood center that supplies blood products and testing services to multiple Bay Area hospitals and is a recognized leader in the fields of transfusion and transplantation medicine. SBC was created at the Stanford University School of Medicine in 1978 to meet the complex transfusion and transplant needs of Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, as well as provide clinical trial services and specialized blood products for researchers. Today, the center remains locally focused, serving community hospitals, patients and donors, while contributing to research and advancement that impact the world at large. More information is available at stanfordbloodcenter.org.