Stanford Blood Center Celebrates National Blood Donor Month

January 9, 2024
Attention News Desk: Press Release (for immediate release)
Julie Peachey | 650-353-1379

Did you know that every two seconds in America, someone urgently needs blood? This need extends beyond unexpected emergencies like car crashes, encompassing a wide range of medical treatments such as cancer therapies, cardiovascular and orthopedic surgeries, and organ and bone marrow transplants.


Every 4 weeks, Camille relies on blood transfusions to gain the energy she needs for everyday activities.

Every 4 weeks, Camille relies on blood transfusions to gain the energy she needs for everyday activities.


Only three percent of eligible Americans currently donate blood, despite 65 percent of the population being eligible to do so. Additionally, less than 20 percent of blood donations come from individuals in communities of color, and donations from individuals aged 19-24 have declined by nearly 32 percent from 2019 to 2021. This drop is largely attributed to the restrictions imposed on blood drives at school campuses during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Given the current state of blood donations, there is an urgent need for younger, more diverse donors. National Blood Donor Month, celebrated every January, provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation and to honor those who have already made a life-saving contribution.

The inaugural National Blood Donor Month was proclaimed by President Richard Nixon and held in January 1970, with the aim of acknowledging voluntary blood donors and encouraging more individuals to donate for the first time. Despite the changes that have occurred in the last five decades, the demand for blood remains constant, as does the selflessness of those who answer the call to give.


Nabil believes in the power of giving back. He finds joy in helping others, and donating blood is his way of gifting the precious gift of life.

Nabil believes in the power of giving back. He finds joy in helping others, and donating blood is his way of gifting the precious gift of life.


We express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who regularly donate blood and encourage all those eligible to join them. Such ongoing generosity not only saves lives today but also extends hope for a brighter tomorrow for countless individuals in need.

Appointments can be made online at, via the SBC app, or by calling 888-723-7831 or texting to 999-777.

Donors should be in good health with no cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms. Be sure to eat well prior to donation, drink fluids, and bring a photo ID. Donors must be at least 17 years of age (or 16 with a parent or guardian’s consent). Eligibility information can be found at or by calling 888-723-7831.


About Stanford Blood Center
Stanford Blood Center (SBC) is an independent, community blood center that supplies blood products and testing services to multiple Bay Area hospitals and is a recognized leader in the fields of transfusion and transplantation medicine. SBC was created at the Stanford University School of Medicine in 1978 to meet the complex transfusion and transplant needs of Stanford Health Care and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, as well as provide clinical trial services and specialized blood products for researchers. Today, the center remains locally focused, serving community hospitals, patients and donors, while contributing to research and advancement that impact the world at large. More information is available at