A: Please email sbc-clients@stanford.edu to request the paperwork needed to open an account. The agreement, price list and Stanford Blood Center (SBC) ordering information and instructions will be emailed to you. Once you are ready to place an order, we will create your account and provide your customer ID.
A: SBC accepts research requests Monday through Friday only.
- Same day orders are usually ready for pickup by 5pm. The lab will call the number listed on your order as soon as the sample is created and packed.
- Next day orders are ready the following morning any time after 8:30am. We will not call unless there is a problem with the order.
A: Our research window is located at our lab in Palo Alto. The address is 3373 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto CA. Please park in the back of the building near the loading dock area. Follow the ramp up to the double doors and it’s inside immediately on the right. Use the buzzer to be let in the building. Please have your order number ready at pickup. The research window hours are:
Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
A: We process a high volume of orders, so the availability is always changing. Please submit an order and we can let you know what is available at that time. An email confirmation with draw details and order number will be emailed as soon as the order is confirmed.
A: You can supply your own tubes for collection, they must be 10mL tubes and under. Please mail in or drop off your supplied tubes to our research window. Please label the tubes with your company name. We need the tubes at minimum 3 business days prior to the draw date so we have time to mail the tubes out to the draw locations. Please supply the number of tubes you are requesting plus extra tubes to allow for unsuccessful procedures.
A: Yes, we can collect up to 40mL from a single donor in any combo of tubes that we supply. *Requesting more than one tube per donor will have an additional special request fee of $60.00 assessed per donor.
A: No, our orders can be picked up only at our main site in Palo Alto. You may hire a third-party blood courier service to pick up and deliver directly to your company. Please reach out to the courier companies directly to set up an account and get quote information.
A: The donors are donating for transfusion, so their blood is tested, and the units go to the hospital for transfusion. We collect tubes as byproducts to offer to researchers. Tubes of whole blood, up to 40mL per donor can be purchased. Requesting more than one tube per donor adds an additional $60 special request fee per donor. The tube styles we supply are listed on our website: https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/research/green-top-heparin-10ml/
*Please note that we do not spin tubes in our lab.
A: Product specifications on all of our research blood products are listed on our website. https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/research/buffy-coat-from-whole-blood/
A: Units of whole blood are centrifuged by Compomat at 2000rpm for 6 minutes.
A: After centrifuging units of whole blood, the top layer is removed, which is the plasma. After plasma removal we take off the buffy coat if requested, leaving the RBC’s in the original bag. The product information is listed on our website: https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/research/plasma-liquid/
A: Demographic reports can be purchased for an additional $32.00 each. The report lists age, gender, ABO, CMV, HLA type if available and ethnicity selected by the donor.
A: Testing reports can be purchased for an additional $60.00 per sample. The tests performed on each transfusable donor is listed on our website: https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/research-labs/donor-testing-lab/
All donors are screened and deemed healthy at each donation, but research samples are released untested as it takes up to 48 hours for the testing to be completed. The lab will notify the researcher and PI if a positive sample occurs.
A: Testing Key Information:
ABS Aby screen
STS Syphilis
HBC Hep b core aby
HBS Hep b sAg
HCV Hep c
HTLV Human T-cell lymphotropic virus
HIV HIV antibody
NATB Hep b – NAT testing
NATC Hep c – NAT testing
NATV HIV – NAT testing
WNV West Nile Virus
TCRZ t. Cruzi
TABO ABO titer for IgM abys
HLA HLA abys
R reactive
NR non-reactive
TNN test not needed (tested prior negative, will not test again)
- We are observing regular hours of operation (see below).