Donate Blood to Honor Dad this Father’s Day
Did you know there are more than 70 million fathers in the United States (History.com)? Imagine the impact if, for each of these men, one person donated blood in their honor. Blood centers would have all of the blood products needed to save lives. So, today, we take a moment to honor all the fathers out there and ask you to make an appointment to donate to celebrate your dad.
History of Father’s Day
In 1972, Father’s Day became an official public holiday in all states (http://usafederalholidays.com/fathers-day/), though various groups have been sponsoring events honoring dads since 1908, and in 1910 Washington State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day. For some reason, it took celebrating fathers a lot longer to catch on than celebrating mothers. In fact, Mother’s Day became a holiday 58 years earlier, in 1914.
Today, Father’s Day is celebrated around the world, though other countries celebrate on different dates —like Australia, which celebrates the first Sunday in September. And it is not just a day to celebrate biological dads, but grandfathers, stepfathers, foster fathers, uncles, brothers, and even pet parents as well.
Father’s Day is a day to celebrate the contribution your dad has made to your life —all the hard work, support and love he has given over the years. Maybe he taught you to drive a car or play sports; maybe he helped you with homework. If you are a daughter, he may have chased away some boyfriends, but he made up for it when he gave you away at your wedding. Dads are special men that are protectors, supporters, and friends.
So on this Father’s Day, we encourage you to remember all the valuable lessons you learned from the father figure in your life —such as giving back to the community. To celebrate him in a meaningful way, we invite you and your loved ones to come in to Stanford Blood Center and donate with dad or in his honor.
To make an appointment, call 888-723-7831 or visit us online. And to all the dads out there, from all of us here at SBC, thank you!