Donate Blood to Honor Dad This Father’s Day
Many Stanford Blood Center (SBC) donors are fathers, grandfathers or father figures. So with Father’s Day approaching, we wanted to share some of their stories and how blood donation has touched their lives.
John’s daughter Paulina spent her first few months in the newborn intensive care unit: “Paulina’s life began in the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford NICU. She was there until Christmas Eve and came home after 3 months. She received so many transfusions, FFP (fresh frozen plasma) and other products. Thank you for giving her life [by] giving blood.” Read this and other donors stories at sbcstories.org.
Gary started donating with his daughter when she asked to get her nose pierced: “Last December my 16-year-old daughter came to me asking if she could get her nose pierced. My first instinct was to say no; but I had an idea. If she wanted to be poked with a needle, why not have her do it for a good cause? I told her that if she went with me to give blood — and donated twice — I would let her get her nose pierced. Our donation days have become special to us after just two times. We make it a day of sharing time together, a rarity between my work and her school, sports, and friends. We are both looking forward to making it a regular outing. It’s our special time together catching up and enjoying each other’s company and, just as important, doing something for the community.” Read the full story.
Gabriela’s father received a liver transplant and required blood transfusions: “Blood donation gives me the opportunity to provide something to people that can save lives. We will forever be thankful to those SBC donors who donated blood that our father received.” Read the full story.
Dennis has two children who are regular platelet donors: “I simply said to them [that] it’s a noble and simple form of charity to help save the life or restore the health of a stranger, someone who will never know your name and never thank you; and the need is there every day. It’s something we share that we can feel good about.” Read the full story.
Start a family tradition of your own and make an appointment to donate at Stanford Blood Center. Visit stanfordbloodcenter.org for more information.