June Is Men’s Health Month
Did you know that men do not see physicians for physical exams nearly as often as women? Unfortunately, men are dying an average of 5 years younger than women, but prevention and early diagnosis of potentially treatable conditions can improve these statistics. To shine a spotlight on men’s health, a national awareness campaign was created, and June 1994 kicked off the first annual Men’s Health Month.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the leading causes of death in males are heart disease (24.5%) and cancer (23.4%). A number of factors come into play when assessing risk for these conditions. But the following data shows us that some basic health issues exist in this country that hasten their onset.
- 4% of men 18 years and over are in fair or poor health
- 4% of men 18 years and over who met the 2008 federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic activity through leisure-time aerobic activity
If you find yourself falling into any of the groups above, it’s a good time to consider your risk factors. First, you can check a list of general risk factors for cardiovascular disease to see if you (or a guy you care about!) should see a doctor. Visit the Men’s Health Resource Center cardiovascular health page for a checklist.
Even before you check the list, of course, there are some basics that will help you get yourself on track. You can reduce the risk of these common killers with three big lifestyle changes: stop smoking, eat well and exercise.
Learn more about the health issues that affect men with the following resources: