Deborah Tucker
Deborah Tucker is the Director of Human Resources for Stanford Blood Center. Deborah has spent 30+ years in management positions that required her to interact with a wide range of employees at all levels. Whether it was while managing a multi-million dollar retail store, running a training department that supported 20,000 retail employees across the country, or simply developing the layoff and transition communications for an entire blood center, one thing has always been clear – effective communication and a focus on development is critical to the success of every organization.
Deborah won an Award of Excellence for Outstanding Instructional Product or Intervention for Mervyns Business Academy (M.B.A) Program from the International Society for Performance Improvement. She was also been asked to speak at Advanced Learning Institute, Inc.’s Managing, Motivating and Retaining a Generation X Workforce; and Colorado Network of Business for Social Responsibility’s Building Human Capital; and California Blood Bank Society’s annual meetings twice.
Deborah received her Bachelor of Science in Management from University of Phoenix and is a member of Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and Bay Area Human Resources Forum (BAHRF). In her spare time she likes to focus on home improvement projects, travel, photography, scrapbooking and martial arts.