Remembering the Brilliance that was Jackie Light
Many donors, staff and volunteers will remember the friendly face of Jacqueline “Jackie” Light, who was a registrar at our center locations. She passed away peacefully on May 21, 2016. She was born in San Francisco, and married the love of her life, Wallace, on January 15, 1946; the same day she was honorably discharged after serving three years as a corporal in the United States Marine Corps.
Jackie was very proud of her career of twenty plus years at Stanford Blood Center (SBC), which she always thought of as a second family. SBC staff even designated a “Jackie Light Day” to celebrate the wonderful person she was and all that she contributed to the team. Some staff members shared a few of their fondest memories of Jackie:
“I have many memories of Jackie! She would call everyone “Honey”, staff and donors. She loved to bake and would bring goodies for the staff; her homemade mixed popcorn was the best. One of my favorite recipes from her that I still use today is her cinnamon biscuits. Now my kids love them and make them as well,” said Lupe Alcantar, Special Donations.
“From my first day at SBC, Jackie was so very welcoming. Any time I had occasion to see her, she was cheerful and upbeat. She didn’t have a bad day. Jackie had the ability to make everyone feel special. She is truly missed by many,” said Mallory Hayes, Administration.
“Jackie had a way of making everyone feel special. She had such a warm and inviting smile that drew people to her. She loved her family and the blood center- staff and donors. I am truly blessed to have called her my friend,” said Lynn Baily-McCarty, Recruitment
SBC staff recently received a thank you card from Pam, Jackie’s daughter, with words of appreciation for being such an important part of her mother’s life. “We spent many hours reminiscing about the blood center and the good ole’ days. One of the most amazing events in her life was when she came to work and found out it was “Jackie Light Day”. She felt so honored that you all cared that much.” Pam wrote.
Our condolences go to Jackie’s family. And all those whose lives she touched with her smile and happy spirit. She will always be a part of the SBC family and Jackie Light Day will live on.