SBC Parades, Scampers and Runs in the Community
by Kristin Stankus, digital community and social media specialist
Stanford Blood Center (SBC) is proud to be your community blood center! In fact, we love our community so much; we felt we needed to spend more time with you while also helping raise funds and awareness for some great causes. We hope you will stop by
and see us at one or all these upcoming events to say hello, learn a little about blood donation, and score some awesome SBC swag.
Summer Scamper, June 19
Put on by Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, this event aims to celebrate children’s health and show support for patients and their families. The event begins with 5k and 10k races, followed by a family festival. Stop by our table as we educate children about blood components and turn them into future blood donors. You don’t want to miss taking a spin on the prize wheel!
Moonlight Run, September 16
A fundraiser for local nonprofits serving families and children, this event is in its 32nd year; with SBC heading up the snack table for the last 15+ years. After runners complete their 5k or 10k, they rush over to SBC staff to refuel with bagels, coffee cake, and orange slices. As we nourish runners, we hope to also share a little bit with you about why SBC is great!
Christmas in the Park, December
For the second year in a row, SBC will sponsor a tree at Christmas in the Park in San Jose. Decked out with SBC branded ornaments and bright red and white lights, the many visitors to the event are sure to notice our tree and want to learn more about blood donation.
We hope you will support us in the community by visiting us at one of these upcoming events.