Stanford Blood Center Joins Summer Scamper to Support Children’s Health
Once again, Stanford Blood Center (SBC) sponsored and had a blast attending the annual Summer Scamper 5k, 10k and kid’s fun run– Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital’s annual race to celebrate and raise money for children’s health.
The event was a great success – over 360,000 people attended the race, which ultimately raised over $574,000. SBC volunteers and staff members attended to help run the SBC table, where they gave away fun items to the attendees like SBC tattoos, bracelets, lip balms, hand sanitizers, and heart clips attached to the SBC brochure and talked about the importance of blood donation. We also brought along the ever-popular Candy Jar Game, where passersby could guess the number of “platelets” (mint Lifesavers), “plasma” (Lemonheads), and “red cells” (sour cherry drops) in the jar for a chance to win the entire thing.
Several staff members also laced up their running shoes to run the actual race as part of Team SBC. We truly enjoy participating in Summer Scamper, and are already looking forward to next year’s event. We hope you had a chance to stop by and say hello to us at the event. Thank you to all of the donors who support children’s health and blood donation!