“We Can. I Can.” World Cancer Day 2017
This Saturday, February 4, is World Cancer Day – an annual global event that aims to unite the world against cancer. Its goal is to raise awareness of the devastating disease, educating the global population “while pressing governments and individuals to take action.”
Around the world, 8.2 million people die from cancer every year. Of those, nearly half (4 million) are considered premature deaths – people who die between ages 30 and 69. By uniting under this year’s theme, “We can. I can.” World Cancer Day hopes to show the various ways in which we as society and we as individuals can fight against cancer. On their website, they have several lists of ways to get involved including how to create healthy workspaces, create healthy schools, and make your voice heard. You can check out the rest here: http://www.worldcancerday.org/about/2016-2018-world-cancer-day-campaign.
Looking for another way to get involved? Many cancer patients need blood products, especially platelets – so make an appointment to donate at www.sbcdonor.org!