
Chiqui Lopez-Tecson

Volunteer Spotlight — Chiqui Lopez-Tecson

March 27, 2019 at 12:33 pm
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It’s time for another Volunteer Spotlight! Stanford Blood Center would be nothing without our volunteers, so it is our pleasure to help you get to know one of our wonderful helpers, former SBC Collections Manager Chiqui Lopez-Tecson. Why do you...

Plasma collection on ALYX machine

Collecting Plasma on the ALYX Machine

February 13, 2019 at 1:03 pm
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Beginning January 8, we expanded our collections to include plasma products drawn on the ALYX machine. The ALYX machine is an apheresis machine that separates and collects various blood components and returns what we aren’t using to the donor —...

Whole Blood

January 27, 2019 at 8:46 am
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What is whole blood donation? A whole blood (WB) donation is the most common form of blood donation, in which a person gives one pint of blood. What is whole blood used for? After your donation, our lab separates the...