A message from our administrator

March 19, 2014 at 9:49 am


As we are getting settled into 2014, I’d like to take a moment to thank our staff, volunteers, and blood donors for a wonderful past year. 2013 was an extremely busy year, but also a very productive one. Because of everyone’s hard work, we met many critical goals and we continue to successfully fulfill our mission. I’d like to highlight several of the year’s key accomplishments.

• First and foremost, we continued to support our patients. We collected approximately 47,000 units of whole blood and performed 8,700 platelet procedures, resulting in nearly 15,000 platelet products.

• We continued to support ongoing research, which will help the patients of tomorrow. Learn more on our blog about the amazing research being performed in our laboratories.

• We’ve supported our growth through the addition of space. This includes an office at 555 Middlefield Road in Menlo Park, a Menlo Park donor center, and a new Histocompatibility, Immunogenetics & Disease Profiling Laboratory (HIDPL) on Porter Drive in Palo Alto.

• We made investments in equipment to help streamline the work we do, including new blood scales and mixers, and lab tools including liquid-handling robots, a digital microscope, and high-speed centrifuge.

• We made an ongoing investment in one of our greatest resources – our excellent staff. Stanford Blood Center hired 21 new employees, rehired five employees, and promoted 25 employees.

SBC’s staff, volunteers, and donors have built the foundation for our success, and I believe we will continue to reach our goals for 2014. I look forward to reporting those accomplishments early next year!