A Letter to Blood Donors
The following letter was written by Michelle Moskalik in August, just three months before she passed away. Her family has been gracious in letting us share this with you.
I am an active 43 year old woman with a strong love for life. I am living with terminal breast cancer and acute leukemia (AML). As a result, I am transfusion dependent and now receive blood and platelets on a weekly basis.
I know I’m low on blood when my energy plummets, I’m unable to walk 5 feet without resting to catch my breath, and I don’t have the energy to do simple daily tasks or things that give me great pleasure (like walking my dog, traveling with my husband, or spending time with friends and family.)
Everything changes immediately when I receive blood. After about 10 minutes into the transfusion I feel the life spark returning. I have energy and vitality and feel like myself again. I often cry a little when I leave the ITA, partly because I am so happy to have my life back (if only for a little while until the next transfusion) but also as a thank you to the donors. I have no words to express how incredibly grateful I am to life saving and life giving donors like you who make such a difference in my life. Your selfless gift is a miracle to me. I am sincerely thankful for your great act of kindness and generosity.
As an aside, because I feel so great after getting blood, my friends think I’ve become a vampire. Further evidence:
Aversion to sunshine: Hello! Wrinkles!
Aversion to silver: Gold looks so much better with my skin tone.
Must be invited into homes: have never tried breaking and entering, so not sure about this one. Not sure how to test this without being arrested.
Have never been attacked by hot werewolf with 12 pack abs. Sad for me. Maybe I can get my husband to dress up.
To view the original letter, please visit Michelle’s website.