Blood donors are everyday heroes

December 17, 2013 at 5:20 pm

Our friends at the BloodCenter of Wisconsin posted a video that speaks eloquently about the importance of blood donors. With their gracious permission, we’re sharing below their video of Retired Oak Creek Police Lt. Brian Murphy. Lt. Murphy, one of the heroes of the Sikh temple shooting in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on August 5, 2012, has a message that will resonate with blood donors and recipients everywhere.

At the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, Lt. Murphy was shot 17 times. Without blood donors, he wouldn’t have made it. We especially like his message to blood donors:

“In relation to heroism, and being a blood donor, to do something for the greater good, for someone you don’t know — there is no more heroic act than that. It doesn’t require getting shot, it doesn’t require entering a burning building, it doesn’t require any of those things. It just requires a half hour of your time. And my message to people who go out and do this on a regular basis, is that you truly are the heroes of today’s society, going above and beyond, without ever being asked, and with no reward. It’s the greatest thing one person can do for another, to put themselves out there. And I just want to say thank you … not only for me, but for anybody who is on the receiving end. It’s a gift that can never be repaid enough.”