Give Good

Humane Society Silicon Valley

Donate Blood and Help Shelter Animals!
Everyone knows December is the season of giving, but the needs of our community extend past the holiday season. This January, you can help save patients and pets; January 1 – 31 donate blood and help shelter animals at Humane Society...

Blood Donations Help Local Patients and Children in Foster Care
This winter marked our fifth annual Give Good, and we are pleased to announce that it was huge success! Each year during our critical winter season (when blood donations drop due to sickness and holiday travel), SBC partners with another...

Good Karma Bikes
In 2017, for every 15 people that came in to donate, Good Karma Bikes (GKB) gifted one bicycle to a child in foster care or a single-parent shelter. The donated bicycles were gifted to Life Moves, Georgia Travis House. Good...

Do It For The Kids: This January, donating blood will help local patients and children in need
This January, donating blood will earn you good karma! January 8 – 27, Stanford Blood Center is partnering with Good Karma Bikes (GKB) for our fifth annual Give Good campaign. Each year during our critical winter season (when blood donations are...

Blood Donors Give the Gift of Comfort to Cancer Patients
Each winter as part of our Give Good campaign, we partner with a different community organization to double the impact of each blood donation. Patients and their families benefit from blood donations, and others in our community that need support...

Bay Area Cancer Connections
In 2016, in addition to providing lifesaving blood products, donors benefitted breast and ovarian cancer patients in treatment. For each donor that came in during the campaign, SBC made a donation to Bay Area Cancer Connections (BCC). Donations went toward...

Turning Illness to Inspiration: BayKids Studio Premier 2016
For our 2014 Give Good campaign, Stanford Blood Center partnered with BayKids Studios – a nonprofit who helps children facing long-term hospitalization empower themselves through filmmaking. Our Give Good contributions went toward funding a film made by Danica, a young...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and is often symbolized by the widely recognized pink ribbon. First handed out to survivors at the Susan G. Komen New York City Race for the Cure in 1991, pink ribbons now seem to...