June 29, 2012 at 1:49 pm
Published by Stanford Blood Center

On Sunday, July 1st, Stanford Blood Center will be hosting a blood drive for 4-year-old Gabriella Cosner. Gabriella (Gaby) has Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare but treatable cancer. For months now, she has been fighting her cancer with chemotherapy and an incredible support team, Team G.
May 21, 2012 at 1:56 pm
Published by Stanford Blood Center
For as long as I can remember, my dad would come home every couple of months with a pint of ice cream and a bright red bandage around his arm. I was always happy to see the ice cream, as well as my dad, of course. But it wasn't until I was older that I found out why he got the ice cream. As both he and Baskin-Robbins like to call it, it was "A Pint for A Pint". For every pint of blood that my dad donated, he would receive a Baskin Robbins coupon for a pint of ice cream in return.
May 15, 2012 at 11:40 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center
By Roland Keffer, Stanford Blood Center donor
I began giving blood with the Red Cross in 1960. My boss had cancer and the whole company would go down and donate blood in his name. He survived a year or so, and after he died, I still continued to give blood.
April 26, 2012 at 11:59 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center

By Jim Early, 300-time blood donor
Above, Jim (with nurse, Raquel Morgia, sneaking in a smile) stands beside a quilt his wife made from his collection of SBC t-shirts.
When I was twenty-two I was sick with an intestinal disease. In a month's time I went from healthy to hospital patient and for the next seven weeks I lived in the Old Hoover Pavilion Stanford Hospital. I ate nothing by mouth and instead received all my nutrition from IVs into my arms and eventually via a central line. A year later I was back again and after another three weeks opted for corrective surgery. After some major surgery, a few revisions, and many units of blood, (during and post op) I was healthy again. While being treated I thought very little about where the blood came from or who was giving it, I just wanted to feel better.
April 24, 2012 at 11:13 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center

By Erin Digitale, Writer for Stanford School of Medicine's Communications & Public Affairs Department
Rahman Humphries was trying to pass a 100-yard swimming test on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout. He dreamed of achieving the highest award that the Boy Scouts offer, but he was struggling to make the distance.
March 23, 2012 at 9:29 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center

Twins Sophia and Charlotte Gonzalez required numerous blood transfusions as newborns and again during their recent liver transplants. The below article is by Erin Digitale, Writer for Stanford School of Medicine's Communications & Public Affairs Department.
In a small room at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Megan and Ricky Gonzalez each held one hand of their daughter Sophia, comforting her as she recovered from a Nov. 8 liver transplant. Near Sophia's crib, her identical twin, Charlotte, babbled happily in the girls' double stroller. Charlotte was waiting her turn which came Nov. 27 for her own liver transplant to treat the metabolic disease that nearly killed both girls as newborns.
March 8, 2012 at 11:31 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center

Friends Roy Tuason and Erik Klein gave their 100th donations together on Tuesday, 3/6 at our Mountain View center. Their wives, friends and co-workers joined them on this special day with many of them donating as well.
Here, Roy shares a little about himself and his buddy, Erik, and how they got started donating blood.
January 26, 2012 at 9:29 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center
I am an active 43 year old woman with a strong love for life. I am living with terminal breast cancer and acute leukemia (AML). As a result, I am transfusion dependent and now receive blood and platelets on a weekly basis.
January 18, 2012 at 10:32 am
Published by Stanford Blood Center

By Bonnie Westman with the Los Gatos Patch.
Since 2006, Linda Swenberg and Michelle Abene donate platelets at Stanford Blood Center, in addition to significant volunteer work in the community.
January 12, 2012 at 1:58 pm
Published by Stanford Blood Center

By Melissa Ramos, volunteer guest-blogger for Stanford Blood Center
John Paul Mayor is one of our very regular platelet donors. For our #WhyIGiveBlood campaign, we picked his brain about what inspired him to become a regular donor.