PULSE — Summer 2021

Behind the Scenes at SBC: The When & Why of Campaigns
By Vanessa Merina, Marketing & Communications Director Note: Italicized words indicate inclusion in the “definitions” section at the bottom of this article. Everyone has a favorite SBC campaign, be it the Grateful Life Tour, “Ugly Sweater” Holiday T-Shirt, Jersey...

Zoe’s Story: “Cancer’s tough… But I’m tougher.”
By Krista Thomas, Communications Strategist August 5, 2020, was one of the most frightening days of Jennifer Yu’s and Tom Li’s lives. It was on that Wednesday that they found out what had started as just frequent bloody noses in...

Buffy Coats: A Look at SBC’s Most Popular Research Product
By Marino Bozic, Research and Clinical Services Manager You’ve likely heard us say at SBC that when you donate blood, you’re helping the patients of today and tomorrow. But did you know the most likely way you’re helping these patients...

Linking Diseases and DNA

DYung’s Story: A New Liver, a New Life Mission
In 2007, DYung Lu was working full-time, going to school full-time, and getting very little sleep. Given his hectic schedule, he was unsurprised when he started to feel physical ill and worn down, but he continued to press forward. Then...