Donor Loyalty Store
Have you visited the “Store” tab on your donor portal lately? As a reminder, each donation you make earns you points,* which can be used to redeem items — or donate to other organizations — in the Donor Loyalty Store (DLS) on sbcdonor.org.
Store Items
The DLS features gifts for all price points, from our arcade-themed, superhero-themed and Stanford-themed sticker packs that you can earn after just one donation, all the way to our quality rucksack backpack and Bluetooth headphones at the higher end! Some of our newest items include our 76-piece AAA excursion road kit and our redesigned cycling jersey. You can also order yourself a new donor ID card for free anytime in the DLS.
Donate Your Points Back
Every fiscal year (which begins anew in September), SBC partners with three Donate Your Points Back partners, who are featured on our DLS. Throughout the year, donors can choose to donate their points to one of our community partners, with the total earned that year being converted into a dollar amount at the start of the next fiscal year. This year we are excited to welcome back the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, and to add the Humane Society of Silicon Valley, who has been an outstanding Give Good partner in the past.
Four Seasons and Ten Times
If you donate at least four times in calendar year 2021 (or the equivalent in double red cell donations, per our website), you’ll earn this year’s collectible Four Seasons Club t-shirt, which has an artsy theme and is available in both masculine and feminine cuts. If you donate at least 10 times in calendar year 2021, you’ll also be eligible for our 10 Times gift for 2021, which is a high-quality first aid kit! Both of these items will automatically populate in your DLS for zero points once you become eligible for them.
*Curious about the points breakdown for each visit? Learn more about this and other topics related to the DLS at stanfordbloodcenter.org/donor-store.
Read more of winter 2021 PULSE at stanfordbloodcenter.org/pulse.