SBC’s New Bloodmobile Enhances the Donor Experience
Stanford Blood Center (SBC) is excited to announce the arrival of our newest bloodmobile coach! This spacious, custom-made coach was designed by SBC and features 2 medical history rooms and 4 donor beds. It replaces an older, smaller bus that has been in operation since 2005, which is now retired and has been donated to a good cause.
Many of the donations SBC collects throughout the year are done on one of our five bloodmobiles that support mobile blood drives around the Bay Area. Because our bloodmobiles draw so many of our valued donors, it’s essential to SBC to make sure they are comfortable and relaxed during the donation process. That’s why our staff regularly takes inventory of the bloodmobiles we have in use and how well they serve our needs in the community. Earlier this year, we determined that we needed to upgrade one of the mobile buses for a larger, more modern model to better serve our donors and staff. In May, SBC team members worked closely with the manufacturer and even traveled to North Carolina to do the inspection of the new coach and ensure it met all of our needs.
We hope the donors are as happy as Team SBC is to have this new roomier unit on our fleet and we look forward to seeing you at an upcoming mobile drive. To make an appointment to donate blood or to see some of our upcoming mobiles, visit http://stanfordbloodcenter.org/donate/appointment.php.