Penny’s Lucky #8: How One Little Girl Beat Liver Failure and Became One of the Bay’s Youngest Transplant Advocates

Megan’s Story: Life in Color
If you ever met Megan Mehta, you’d be struck almost instantly by her energy, her vivacity. Megan was born with a lust for life and has spent the past five years reclaiming that energy after having spent ages 8 to...

Carolina’s Story: Twin Hearts
Childhood: Sister Hearts Carolina Tejada was born in Cali, Colombia in 1978. She spent a happy, healthy childhood alongside her older brother, Juan Guillermo, and her twin sister, Catalina. At age 11, however, Juan Guillermo, who was three years older...

DYung’s Story: A New Liver, a New Life Mission
In 2007, DYung Lu was working full-time, going to school full-time, and getting very little sleep. Given his hectic schedule, he was unsurprised when he started to feel physical ill and worn down, but he continued to press forward. Then...