Reflections From Month Five
By Harpreet Sandhu, CEO/Executive Director
While it may be hard to believe, we are now in month five of shelter in place. These past months have been anything but easy, but despite this turmoil, it is extremely heartening and inspiring to see your continued commitment to making a difference in the lives of patients.
Since the start of the shelter in place in March, the continued dedication of our donors and volunteers has allowed us to support a number of research initiatives, including some investigating critical COVID-19 prevention and treatment methods; to provide roughly 470 COVID-19 convalescent plasma units to support hospitalized patients who have battled and are still battling the disease; and to continue to support all those hospital patients who rely on blood donations for non-COVID-19-related treatment. Not only did we see a strong turnout from our existing donors, but also we welcomed a significant number of first-time donors who joined the SBC family as a concrete way to do some good in the community during these trying times.
Our donors have been faced with many challenges, including increased social distancing measures that have spaced out center appointment times and the cancellation of many convenient blood drives — as well as the simple fact that leaving the house during a pandemic is a major feat on its own. But the way our community has stepped up in spite of these challenges means that we have not had to turn away a single patient or researcher in need of blood, which is truly incredible. Thanks to your efforts, we have continued to save lives.
Despite our nation’s uncertainty in the realm of public health, we at SBC have some exciting things to look forward to, including the continuation of our SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing for all donations; growth of our COVID-19 convalescent plasma collections to support COVID-19 patients throughout the nation; and, through our research products and services offerings, support for new and existing scientific advancements that provide hope for healing to the patients of tomorrow.
By continuing to donate blood and volunteer now and into the future — seemingly simple acts of care — you are playing an essential role in bringing both literal and emotional healing to our community. On behalf of all of Team SBC, we are so grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you to continue to fulfill our mission.
To read the rest of summer 2020 PULSE, click here.