Celebrating Mothers Touched by Blood Donation
Mother’s Day was this past weekend, and we hope you enjoyed your time with the mothers in your life! Although the day may have passed, we want to continue to appreciate moms all over by taking a moment to celebrate some of the mothers touched by blood donation that we have had the privilege to get to know over the years.
Alicia was diagnosed with placenta accreta, a serious condition where the placenta invades and becomes inseparable from the uterine wall, at 30 weeks pregnant with her second child. 20 doctors from various specialties came together to perform a complex C-section to deliver her daughter, Annabelle. Alicia remembers being in the operating room, waiting for the blood products to arrive in case there was significant bleeding. Today, she donates to help others who may need blood.
Read her full story here: https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/a-mothers-worst-nightmare-alishas-experience-with-placenta-accreta/
Galen was just two years old when his mom, Jade, brought him in to the emergency room after noticing he had symptoms of a virus. The doctor noticed that Galen’s color was slightly blue and ordered a chest X-ray immediately. Soon after, he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and was added to the heart transplant list. A donor was found several weeks later, and Galen received his new heart on Mother’s Day. “That was about the best Mother’s Day present I’ve ever received,” said Jade. G received several units of blood, as is typical of a heart transplant.
Read the full story here: https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/young-heart-beats-the-odds-galen-dahls-story/
Dianna Murphy hosts a blood drive every year Dianna has been coordinating the drive, with the help of her family, for over eight years and has brought in hundreds of units of blood to help patients. This year, Dianna passes the torch to Kevin, who will run the drive himself for the first time.
We enjoyed getting to know these moms who have been touched by blood donation and hope you find their stories as inspiring as we have. Thanks to the kindness of blood donors, these families all had a happy ending.
We hope you will make an appointment to donate blood – you never know who your donation could help!
Read more about some inspirational moms who have been impacted by blood donation at SBC: